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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Fire Damage Restoration Processes for Queens Properties

5/24/2024 (Permalink)

caution tape at fire scene SERVPRO techs cautiously clean up fire and smoke-damaged properties in Queens. Here to Help®

Procedural Approaches to Resolve Fire Damage

Even if you have never been to Queens, NY, you have probably seen some of its beautiful neighborhoods on TV and in films like Goodfellas, Spider-Man, and Coming to America, filmed there. Its cultural diversity is legendary, with people from over 100 countries speaking over 138 languages. One advantage of such cultural divergence is the diverse food scene, which ranges from Chinese to Greek cuisine. The borough has renowned cultural institutions such as the Queens Museum, which is popular for housing a scale model of New York City. The Moving Image Museum in Astoria houses Art, History, Digital Media, and Technology of film artifacts. 

When an incident necessitates fire damage restoration at your Queens premises, planning it elaborately can save you frustrations and costs associated with such situations. SERVPRO® provides technical assistance to ensure you sail through fire incidents conveniently. 

Essential restoration steps

  • Structural integrity evaluation
  • Addressing smoke damage 
  • Resolving water damage
  • Electrical system evaluation
  • Managing environmental hazards

The flames and intense heat can compromise the structure by deeply charring supports or compromising utilities. A thorough inspection is necessary before attempting other restoration procedures to guarantee the safety of those entering the premises and to identify items that need replacement. SERVPRO crews have handy inspection tools, including char gauges and rebound hammers. 

Smoke damage and water damage are typical after fire incidents since smoke spreads everywhere and significant water is used to quell the flames. Our technicians evaluate the type and extent of soot left, determining the necessary cleaning procedures and products. For the moisture, dehumidifiers and, in some cases, water extractors help restore dryness. 

Sometimes, fire creates hazards that may expose you to dangerous materials or electrical shock. Such outcomes occur when flames expose asbestos and hazardous chemicals or melt the insulation covering electric cables. 

SERVPRO of Forest Hills / Ridgewood is a reliable fire damage restoration service that you can rely on when your property is affected. Call (718) 381-3702.

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